blam asks...
What makes Ellie Ellie? Meaning, what influences, choices and experiences have made you into who you are today?
LMAO, Rhett. I might as well write an autobiography with this. I don't really know, I guess. I mean, it's hard to narrow down in a few words. I think I've had a lot of wonderful opportunities to learn about myself. Some of them were painful as they happened, but I think we all go through exactly what we need to go through to become better people. I prefer to look at every situation as a chance to learn something new. So maybe that's part of what makes me me? Being a hopeless asks...
Will you marry me? Can we run away together?
florist asks...
What's your favorite ice cream flavor?
coolants asks...
What is your favorite restaurant and why?
coolants asks...
If you could have been told one thing that you weren't told when you were a teenager, what would you like to have heard?
That it's okay to say no when you're not comfortable doing something.coolants asks...
When trick-or-treating, was there any kind of candy that you didn't like to get?
coolants asks...
If you could spend 15 minutes with any living person, who would it be and why?
coolants asks...
What is your best personal characteristic?
growled asks...
If Harrison Ford miraculously flew to your residence and asked you to join him, would you? Where would you want him to take you?
Is this even a question? Though to be fair, I'm easily gullible and it wouldn't take Harrison Ford to convince me to go for a spin. "Don't talk to strangers" never stuck for me.growled asks...
What's your favorite fast food joint?
growled asks...
Would you like to grab some food again?
growled asks...
If your life felt like a Pixar movie, which one would it be?
brainyhulk asks...
What inspired you to take up blogging?
brainyhulk asks...
Tell me about your dream vacation.
brainyhulk asks...
Favorite animal and why?
supersonicspeed asks...
Do you look up to someone?
supersonicspeed asks...
If you had to live off of one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
supersonicspeed asks...
What's one piece of advice everyone should hear?
quantization asks...
Han Solo or Indiana Jones?
quantization asks...
How would you want to spend your retirement?
quantization asks...
Are you afraid of growing old?
quantization asks...
Do you like routine?
quantization asks...
If you could meet your younger self what advice would you give them?
quantization asks...
How do you act around a crush?
quantization asks...
Do you have any interesting birth marks or scars? What are the stories behind them?
quantization asks...
Do you have any tattoos?
destinies asks...
What is your favorite legend of folklore?
destinies asks...
If you could call any place outside of Boston home, where would it be?
destinies asks...
Do you thrive more under a full moon or a new moon?
destinies asks...
Let's say you've just had a new cocktail for the first time. How was it? ;)
roaringlion asks...
What is the worst name you have ever heard?
roaringlion asks...
Can you roll your tongue?
roaringlion asks...
If you could have any job in the world, what would it be?