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Dear Karen,
Halfway through grading your final paper, I was shocked to find that the topic of your thesis had shifted from a thoughtful analysis of early childhood development into an incohesive rant about a planet called "Krypton"? I don't have the slightest idea what any of these ramblings are supposed to mean or how they have any connection to the course curriculum. I can only hope this is not the actual end product that you intended to submit.
Unfortunately, at this time, I have no choice but to give you a failing grade for the incompletion of this paper. However, you have always been one of my brightest, most deligent students and I am open to allowing you the chance to explain the situation. I would hate to see your transcript and future jeopardized, especially if this was all simply a misunderstanding.
If you'd like to set up an appointment, please respond to this email or give my office a call as soon as possible.
Jessica C. Hartford
Professor, Department of Psychology
Boston University

Hi Professor Hartford,
Please accept my deepest apologies in regards to my final paper. I regret what a terribly awkward situation that my irresponsible mistake has caused. It was most definitely not my intention to submit that particular draft for grading. I was very sick last week during finals and must have accidentally sent the wrong file while I was on my medication. I have a doctor's note that will hopefully clear things up.
I would love a chance to sit down with you in-person to discuss further. I will call your office later today and also send over the actual final draft of my paper.
Thank you,
Karen Lee

Dear Karen,
I just wanted to inform you that after our meeting on Monday, I spoke with the head of the department to explain the situation. We are working with the registrars office to change the grade on your transcript. They said that the system could take up to two weeks. If you do not see any updates by the start of the next semester, I would suggest heading down there to make sure that there aren't any problems. Feel free to reach out to me as well if you need further assistance or have any questions.
Happy new year!
Jessica C. Hartford
Professor, Department of Psychology
Boston University

#cruise #anniversary #30years #whataview #drunkalready
Love you and miss you,
Frank and Emma

Oh my god! That's beautiful! AND NOW I HATE YOU BOTH. Or maybe I'm just insanely jealous. I still can't believe you left me to spend Christmas by myself, alone and cold, in Boston.
P.S. You know that hashtags aren't supposed to be used in emails... right?

We would've taken you with us if this wasn't our special 30th anniversary trip! Besides, you're not alone. You do have another family member that you could spend time with...

You two are never going to stop bugging me about that, are you? ANYWAY. Merry Christmas and happy anniversary, ya old goofs! Have tons of fun on your cruise and don't get too drunk. You might go toppling overboard and get eaten by sharks.

Don't worry, Emma has threatened to force me to wear a lifejacket around the ship if I order another drink.

Sending you a message through your own email account is probably not the best idea. But your password was so easy to guess that I couldn't help myself. Really, Karen, you have to change it immediately. I've technically only known you for a couple of days and I've already been able to figure it out. Although, apparently I'm you -- and you're me -- so I already knew your password? I don't know anymore. I don't know much of anything anymore. Trust me when I say that this whole thing is just as confusing for me as it is for you.
By now, I'm sure you think that you're losing your mind. Don't worry. It's just me. Your other half. A Kryptonian alien living inside of your head. Okay, on second thought, maybe you are going a little crazy. With the way that you keep trying to shut me out, trying to deny everything that's happening, I can tell that you don't want any part of this madness. I can't be "out" for more than half an hour before you force yourself to push me back into the deepest, darkest corner of your mind. I had to resort to drawing the House of El symbol everywhere just to get your attention (sorry for wasting all your notebook pages, by the way). I don't blame you for trying to fight against me. You're scared. I understand. You just want to be normal and live a normal life.
But we are not normal. We have never been normal. It's not fair, I know. It angers you. It angers me, too. If it makes you feel better, though, I'd say that you've lead a more ordinary life than I ever could. I'm actually quite jealous of you, to be honest. You're so... human. You don't remember Krypton. You don't remember its destruction. I wish I could forget, to be completely free of all these painful memories, even if that means having to forget my family. Maybe then I wouldn't miss them so much. Maybe then I wouldn't be so angry.
I know that doesn't make any sense to you. I'm still trying to get used to it myself. Being out of the loop is frustrating me so much. I just want to punch something, but you could regain control of "yourself" any minute now and I can't waste this precious time making a hole in your wall. I have to finish this email, even if the chance of you ever taking any of this seriously is almost nonexistent. I have to at least try. All I really understand is that something big is happening. Something very bad. I promise you that I'm going to figure this out. We are going to figure this out.
You're Karen and I'm Kara. But we are both Supergirl. This is our life.
Please stay safe. And for the love of Rao, dye your hair back to blonde!
Kara Zor-El
[ooc: this email has since been deleted from karen's inbox]

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